How much time can you save by automating your supply chain?

1. How are CIF prices calculated?
  • A) Manually
  • B) In MS-Excel
  • C) In custom-built calculator

1 /12

2. How do you send offers ?
  • A) I send an email with the offer
  • B) I select products to offer, then an email is sent automatically with correct price

Question 2 /12

3. How do you send updates to trading partners?
  • A) Phone call/email/mobile chat
  • B) EDI/API  software integration
  • C) Automated process management software

Question 3 /12

4. How do you prevent sharing wrong information about a deal with colleagues
  • A) Manually write email or update database and check before sending/submitting
  • B) Data is stored and validated according to rules and previous input
  • C) Correct data is stored and validated via Enterprise Software

Question 4 /12

5. How do you prevent sharing wrong information about a deal with suppliers/customers?
  • A) Manually write email and check before sending
  • B) Correct data is stored in shared MS Excel which external partner can verify and access
  • C) Correct data is stored in Enterprise software which external partners can verify

Question 5 /12

6. How do you track ocean shipments?
  • A) I ask my forwarder
  • B) I check the shipping lines website or Marinetraffic
  • C) I have full visibility dashboard with all shipments

Question 6 /12

7. How do you notice if a compliance deviation has occurred such as delayed payment or delayed sending of documents ?
  • A) I notice it myself and keep track of the dates
  • B) I get notified by an intelligent system of all upcoming and missed deadlines
  • C) We don't get notified and often miss deadline

Question 7 /12

8. How do you notice if a shipment has deviated from its shipment route or planned schedule?
  • A) Somebody regurarly checks tracking online
  • B) We get notified by an intelligent system of all potential and actual delays
  • C) We usually do not get notifications and their is uncertainty about exact dates of arrival

Question 8 /12

9. How do you organize Deal Data?
  • A) Manually
  • B) Correct data is stored and arranged in MSExcel in server which external partner can see
  • C) Correct data is stored and managed via Enterprise software which external partner can see

Question 9 /12

10. How much time does your company spend on writing shipping instructions and documents including time spent collecting and cross checking information?
  • A) We spend less than an hour per shipment total
  • B) We spend more than an hour per shipment in total
  • C) It is done automatically via our automated internal software

Question 10 /12

11. How are instructions to shipping documents generated?
  • A) I ask customer for instructions or I send instructions to sawmills
  • B) I have a saved template
  • C) Its generated automatically via a smart system we use

Question 11 /12

12. How do you oversee task management in a deal and ensure all is completed on time?
  • A) We create tasks on a rolling basis and keep a log book with all tasks specified
  • B) An intelligent system creates tasks for us to ensure we never forget
  • C) There is no log book resulting in factors which can negatively impact the deal due to miss deadline or lack of information

Question 12 /12


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