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Diversify Risks in the Global Timber Market

The Exporter's Take on How to Diversify Risks in the Global Timber Market

It is common knowledge that many sawmills sell globally. Export sales to distant markets often use middlemen who act as a filter for information on how the market is performing. This means that exporters often have incomplete knowledge of the market, and that can put them at a disadvantage. To understand the risks associated with the industry & mitigate them to the best effect, one must first understand the situation.

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CME Lumber Futures

Changes Made to the CME Lumber Futures Contract 2022

The unpredictable nature of lumber prices as seen over time has given rise to confusion amongst buyers and sellers who have been forced to navigate their businesses amidst extreme volatility. Fortunately for traders, the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) Group has recently launched updates to the lumber futures & options on a futures contract to reduce price volatility in the market.

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CME Lumber Futures

A Deeper Understanding of the CME Lumber Futures

Lumber futures can be defined as an option or obligation to buy or sell a specified quantity of lumber at a specific price at a predetermined date in the future. A futures contract is a standardised derivative contract that gets its value from an underlying asset. This contract is between two parties who intend to buy or sell a specified amount of product at a specific time in the future. Lumber futures are traded at the CME (Chicago Mercantile Exchange).

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Navigate Global Timber Markets

Navigate Global Timber Markets & Increase Profits by 2%

The global timber market goes through volatile ups and downs throughout the year because of several factors like raw material supply, weather, exchange rates, housing demand, logistics prices, global price discrepancies, and logistics capacity. Decisions taken without fully understanding the performance of the target market or the competitors’ activity in their key markets can harm your business's profit margins and lead to lost opportunities.

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Webinar with Keta Kosman

North America Lumber Market Webinar with Keta Kosman: Key Takeaways

The North American lumber market has been the starting point for several conversations in the industry over the years. Mr Amir Rashad, the CEO of Timber Exchange, took it upon himself to bring this subject up for discussion on a global platform. To do so, he had a panel discussion with one of the finest analysts of the lumber market, Keta Kosman, the owner of Madison’s Lumber Reporter on a special webinar hosted on 30th March 2022.

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Timber Product Inspection

Timber Product Inspection – Discussing the American Grading System Webinar: A Review

With the increasing lumber prices in the United States, interest from foreign markets to produce compliant goods is at a record high. Mr. Amir Rashad, the CEO of Timber Exchange thus took it upon himself to bring this subject up to discussion on a global platform. To do so, he brought on Mr David Conner (Senior Vice President Operations) and Mr Robin Lillandt (Senior European Representative) from TPI (Timber Product Inspection) to speak on the subject as part of a collaborative panel discussion webinar.

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US Tariff Hike

US Tariff Hike

In a recent order by The US Commerce Department, the USA has decided to raise duties on Canadian softwood lumber exports to the US from 9% to 17.9%, with a final decision of countervailing and antidumping duty rates on Canadian softwood lumber imports as follows:

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